A single item associated to a cart.
Name | Description | Type | Additional Information |
CartOrderItemId |
Sequence number of this cart item. |
integer |
None. |
LineItem |
Line identifier associated to this cart item. |
integer |
None. |
Quantity |
Count of this cart item. |
integer |
None. |
Years |
The number of years the license is valid. Possible values are: 0, 0.083, 0.167, 0.5, 1, 1.25, 1.5, 2, 2.25, 2.5, 3, 3.25, 3.5. |
string |
None. |
ListPrice |
The price of this cart item. |
decimal number |
None. |
ListPriceFmt |
The format of the ListPrice field (e.g. "$0.00"). |
string |
None. |
UnitPrice |
The unit price of this cart item. |
decimal number |
None. |
UnitPriceFmt |
The format of the UnitPrice field (e.g. "$0.00"). |
string |
None. |
SubTotalAmount |
The sub total amount of this cart item. |
decimal number |
None. |
SubTotalAmountFmt |
The format of the SubTotalAmount field (e.g. "$0.00"). |
string |
None. |
SubTotalListAmount |
The sub total list amount of this cart item. |
decimal number |
None. |
SubTotalListAmountFmt |
The format of the SubTotalListAmount field (e.g. "$0.00"). |
string |
None. |
ProductId |
The product type identifier. |
integer |
None. |
ProductDescription |
A description of this product. |
string |
None. |
ProductTypeId |
The product type identifier. Possible values are: New, Renewal, Upgrade. |
integer |
None. |
ProductTypeDescription |
A description of the product type. |
string |
None. |
LicenseKeycodeTypeId |
The identifier of a license's keycode type. Possible values are: 1 = standard license, 3 = parent license. |
integer |
None. |
LicenseCategoryName |
License category associated to this item. |
string |
None. |
LicenseCategoryDescription |
A description of the license. |
string |
None. |
ProductFamilyDescription |
A description of the product family. |
string |
None. |
StartDate |
The start date associated to this license. |
date |
None. |
ExpirationDate |
The expiration date of this license. |
date |
None. |
CartItemBundleId |
The bundle identifier for this cart item. |
integer |
None. |
ItemHierarchyId |
An identifier specifying whether this cart item is a primary or a secondary product. Secondary products have an ItemHierarchyId of 2, and represent products dependent on a primary product. Examples include SDNS and SECA (WSAT) products provisioned as part of an item whose primary product is SAEP. |
integer |
None. |
DependentCartOrderItemId |
If present, indicates that the state of this line item depends on the state of another, and therefore should not be modified directly. Essentially, this indicates that the line item is read-only. For example, in the case of an renewal and upgrade, the upgrade line item depends on the state of the renewal line. If the license seats of the renewal line change, the license seats of the upgrade line change inversely. |
integer |
None. |
Keycode |
Keycode associated to this cart item. |
string |
None. |
LicenseAttributeValue |
A value which indicates the product usage model for this item. Digit one defines the order type (1 = MSP, 2 = reseller). Digit two determines which terms a license is based on (1 = monthly, 2 = annually). Digit three refers to the associated billing model (0 = sold, 1 = overage, 2 = utility). As an example, 210 stands for "Reseller Monthly Sold". |
integer |
None. |
LicenseAttributeValueDescription |
A description of the license attribute value assigned to this item. |
string |
None. |
UsagePricingModelId |
A value which indicates how usage is calculated for this item. Only applicable to certain license categories like OTSF. |
integer |
None. |
UsagePricingModelName |
The name of the usage pricing model as defined by UsagePricingModelId. |
string |
None. |
VendorOrderItemCode |
The vendor specific order item code. |
string |
None. |
OrderItemUpdateTypeId |
The update type identifier for this item. |
integer |
None. |
LicenseProfile |
The license profile associated to this item. |
Dictionary of string [key] and CartResponseServiceModel_LicenseProfile [value] |
None. |
LicenseSeats |
The number of license seats associated to this cart item. |
integer |
None. |
VaultId |
The data center used for this item. Note that ids are associated to license categories. As an example, a value of '1' defines a data center in the US for CBEP. Supported values are:
integer |
None. |
VaultName |
The name of the datacenter vault associated with VaultId. |
string |
None. |
ProductPlatformId |
Platform used by this item (applicable to CBEP only). Currently supported values are:
integer |
None. |
ProductPlatformName |
A textual representation of ProductPlatformId. |
string |
None. |
RetentionModelId |
Number of years data is retained. Legitimate values are 1 (for one year) or 2 (for seven years). |
integer |
None. |
RetentionModelName |
A textual representation of RetentionModelId. |
string |
None. |
ProductPricingLevelId |
Pricing level used for this item. |
integer |
None. |
ProductPricingLevelDescription |
A textual representation of the ProductPricingLevelId field. |
string |
None. |