GET /service/api/console/gsm/{gsmKey}/statistics/endpointprotection
Retrieves endpoint and site statistics about a GSM console.
Request Information
URI Parameters
Name | Description | Type | Additional Information |
gsmKey |
The keycode of the GSM console to retrieve statistics for. |
string |
Required |
URI Sample(s)
Body Parameters
Response Information
Resource Description
Statistics about the desired GSM console.
GetGSMStatisticsEndpointProtectionResponseModelName | Description | Type | Additional Information |
TotalDevicesInstalled |
Number of devices with endpoint protection installed. |
integer |
None. |
TotalDevicesInfected |
Number of infected devices. |
integer |
None. |
RequiringAttention |
Number of infected devices which require attention. |
integer |
None. |
WithActiveThreats |
Number of active, uncleaned threats. |
integer |
None. |
ParentSeats |
Number of parent seats reserved for this console. |
integer |
None. |
TotalDevicesAllowed |
Number of devices allowed. |
integer |
None. |
DeactivatedSites |
Number of sites that have been deactivated. |
integer |
None. |
SuspendedSites |
Number of sites that have been suspended. |
integer |
None. |
TrialSites |
Number of sites with trial licenses. |
integer |
None. |
FullSites |
Number of sites with full licenses. |
integer |
None. |
ExpiredSites |
Number of sites that have expired. |
integer |
None. |
ExpiringSites |
Number of sites that are about to expire. |
integer |
None. |
ActivatedSites |
Number of sites that are not deactivated. |
integer |
None. |
TotalSites |
Total number of sites available in the queried entity (GSM or site). |
integer |
None. |
Sample Response
{ "TotalDevicesInstalled": 245, "TotalDevicesInfected": 0, "RequiringAttention": 0, "WithActiveThreats": 0, "ParentSeats": 490, "TotalDevicesAllowed": 0, "DeactivatedSites": 0, "SuspendedSites": 0, "TrialSites": 0, "FullSites": 1, "ExpiredSites": 0, "ExpiringSites": 0, "ActivatedSites": 1, "TotalSites": 1 }
<GetGSMStatisticsEndpointProtectionResponseModel xmlns:i="" xmlns=""> <ActivatedSites>1</ActivatedSites> <DeactivatedSites>0</DeactivatedSites> <ExpiredSites>0</ExpiredSites> <ExpiringSites>0</ExpiringSites> <FullSites>1</FullSites> <ParentSeats>490</ParentSeats> <RequiringAttention>0</RequiringAttention> <SuspendedSites>0</SuspendedSites> <TotalDevicesAllowed>0</TotalDevicesAllowed> <TotalDevicesInfected>0</TotalDevicesInfected> <TotalDevicesInstalled>245</TotalDevicesInstalled> <TotalSites>1</TotalSites> <TrialSites>0</TrialSites> <WithActiveThreats>0</WithActiveThreats> </GetGSMStatisticsEndpointProtectionResponseModel>